Siostam sprinkler teine ​​fèin-ghluasadach

Chaidh siostam Sprinler a chleachdadh airson deicheadan san dùthaich againn. Le bhith a 'leasachadh eaconamaidh Shìona, thèid cinneasachadh agus rannsachadh cinneasachaidh agus rannsachadh siostam sprinkler a leasachadh gu mòr.
Tha siostam sprinkler fèin-ghluasadach na sheòrsa de ghoireasan sabaid teine ​​a dh 'fhaodas ceann sprinkler fhosgladh agus cuir a-mach an comharra teine ​​aig an aon àm. Eadar-dhealaichte bhonSiostam hydrant, the hydrant fire extinguishing system can not automatically extinguish the fire, and the fire extinguishing personnel are needed to extinguish the fire, while the main feature of the automatic sprinkler system is that the water is sent to the pipe network through the pressure equipment, to an nozzle leEileamaidean Cugallach Teirmeach. An ceann sprinkler gu fèin-ghluasadach a 'fosgladh ann an àrainneachd teirmeach an teine ​​gus an sprinkler fhosgladh gus an teine ​​a chuir às. Mar as trice, tha an raon còmhdaich fon cheann Sprinkler mu 12 meatair ceàrnagach.
Siostam sprinkler fèin-ghluasadach tioramtha siostam sprinkler as àbhaist. In the pipe network, there is usually no flushing, only pressurized air or nitrogen. When a fire breaks out in the building, the normally closed sprinkler head is opened. When the sprinkler head is opened, the gas is discharged first, and then the water is flushed to extinguish the fire.
There is no flushing in the pipe network of dry automatic sprinkler system at ordinary times, so it has no impact on the decoration of the building and the ambient temperature. Tha e freagarrach airson an ùine teasachaidh fada ach chan eil teasachadh san togalach. Ach, chan eil èifeachdas cuir às an t-siostam cho àrd ri èifeachdas an t-siostam fhliuch.

Ùine puist: Samhain-15-2022