faodar a roinn ann an orains 57℃, Dearg 68℃, buidhe 79℃℃, gorm 141℃℃℃
- Is e an sprinkler drooping an sprinkler as fharsainge, a tha air a chuir a-steach air a 'phìob solar uisge a' mheur. Is e cumadh an sprinkler a th 'ann am barninkler, agus tha 80 ~ 100% den t-seòmar iomlan uisge a' spiorad gu làr. Airson dìon nan seòmraichean le mullaichean crochte, feumar sprinklers a chuir air dòigh fo na mullaichean crochte.Sprinklers Pendant no sprinklers mullach crochte air an cleachdadh.
- The vertical sprinkler head is vertically installed on the water supply branch pipe. Is e parbolic an cumadh sprinkler. It sprays 80~100% of the total water volume downward. At the same time, some of the water is sprayed to the ceiling. It is suitable for installation in places where there are many moving objects and are prone to impact, such as warehouses. It can also be concealed on the roof in the ceiling interlayer of rooms to protect the ceiling boron with many combustibles.
- Ordinary sprinklers can be installed directly or vertically on the spray pipe network to spray 40% – 60% of the total water down, and most of them are sprayed to the ceiling. Iomchaidh torestaurants,stores,warehouses, underground garages and other places. (nas lugha airson seòrsa àbhaisteach).
5. Tha spraeadh falaichte iomchaidh airson taighean-òsta àrd, àiteachan-còmhnaidh, taighean-cluiche agus àiteachan eile far am feum am mullach a bhith rèidh agus sgiobalta.
Ùine puist: Samhain-18-2022