Prionnsabal obrach bhalbhaichean dealan-dè comharra teine

Tha anbhalbhag dealan-dè teine ​​comharran teinetha e buntainneach do na pìoban de phìoban, de cheimigeach, biadh, leigheas, pàipear-clò-stòraidh, luingearachd, solar uisge agus drèanadh, lùth agus siostaman eile. Faodar a chleachdadh mar uidheamachd riaghlaidh is sgrìobadh air diofar ghas cruadhtan agus neo-chruaidh, leth-chala agus soithichean pùdar agus soithichean cruaidh agus soithichean. Gu sònraichte, tha e air a chleachdadh gu farsaing ann an Siostam Dìon Smàlaidh agus Siostaman Pìob-phìoban eile a dh 'fheumas inbhe tionndadh na bhalbhaichean a thaisbeanadh.

2. Tha an structar sìmplidh agus compact, agus bidh an t-90 ° a 'fosgladh agus a' dùnadh gu sgiobalta.
3. Torc obrachaidh beag, sàbhaladh saothair agus solas.
4. Seulachadh iomlan a choileanadh agus aodion neoni ann an deuchainn gas.

comhla geata, check valve (spherical shut-off valve), stop valve, plug valve, rubber pipe valve and diaphragm valve can be replaced with this valve, especially in the fire protection system of high-rise buildings and the pipeline system that needs to display the Inbhe tionndadh bhalbhaichean.
prionnsapal obrach:
comhla dealan-dè
2. Meartate an còd-làimhe den inneal cnuic agus inneal dràibhidh cnuimhe gus am bi an clàr-dè a 'faighinn clàr an dealan-dè a' coileanadh adhbhar fosgladh agus dùnadh agus riaghladh an t-sruthadh. The handwheel rotates clockwise to close the valve.

a. There are two microswitches in the transmission box, ie open and close, which act in turn when the valve is fully opened and closed, and connect the “valve on” and “valve off” indicator light sources in the control room to accurately display the valve switch status.
b. A close direction microswitch is set in the transmission box (the fully closed position of the butterfly plate is 0 °). When the butterfly plate is at the position of 0 ° ~ 40 °, the microswitch acts to output the valve closing signal. When the butterfly plate is at the position of 40 ° ~ 90 °, the other pair of normally closed can output the valve opening signal. Faodar an cam le putadh air a’ mhicro suidse atharrachadh gus diofar shuidheachaidhean a’ phlàta dealan-dè a thaisbeanadh.

Ùine puist: Iuchar-28-2022