Naidheachdan gnìomhachas
- At present, fire butterfly valves are widely used, such as general drainage and fire system pipes. San fharsaingeachd, feumaidh na buannachdan a bhith aig a leithid de bhalbhaiche dealan-dè teine ann an structar sìmplidh, seulachadh earbsach, fosgladh aotrom agus cumail suas goireasach. The following is a brief introduction to the fir...Leugh tuilleadh
Cleachdadh agus cleachdadh Hydrant Winds Stèidheach
1、Usage: Generally speaking, the fire hydrants on the ground will be installed in a relatively obvious position above the ground, so that in case of a fire, the fire hydrants can be found at the first time to extinguish the fire. Air eagal èiginn teine, feumaidh tu an doras Hydrant Fire fhosgladh agus ...Leugh tuilleadh -
Gnìomhan agus bhuannachdan a bhith a 'toirt teine fon talamh
Function of underground fire hydrant Among the outdoor underground fire water supply facilities, the underground fire hydrant is one of them. It is mainly used for water supply for fire engines or devices directly connected with water hoses and water guns and extinguishing fire. Tha e riatanach ...Leugh tuilleadh -
Tha dìon dìon teine a 'nochdadh togalaichean àrd-àrdachadh
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