A glass sprinkler bulb is the most reliable and economic device used to actuate a fire sprinkler head. Tha am Bulb Frausible sìmplidh a chleachdadh, a 'toirt a-steach borb beag de ghlainne anns a bheil leac ceimigeach a leudaicheas gu luath nuair a tha e a' spreadhadh a 'bhlàr a tha ròmach ann an teòthachd ro-làimh, mar sin a' cur an gnìomh an sprinker.
Model Rated Working Pressure(MPa) K factor Atomization angle Connecting thread ZSTWB 1.0/45(60、90) 1.2 1.0 45°/60°/90° R1/4(RP1/4) ZSTWB 1.5/45(60、90) 1.2 1.5 45°/60°/90° R1/4(RP1/4) ZSTWB 2.0/45(60、90) 1.2 2.0 45°/60°/90° R1/4(RP1/4) ZSTWB 2.5/45(60、90) 1.2 2.5 45°/60°/90° R1 / 2 (RP1 / 2) ZSTWB 3.0 / 45 (65 ° (60 ° (60,90) 1.2 3.5 45 ° / 60 °/90° R1/2(RP1/2) ... -
- Model K factor Minimum working pressure Maximum working pressure Quantity of nozzles Operating temperature XSW-T1.0/10-57℃φ2 1 10Mpa 14Mpa 5/6 57℃/68℃ XSW-T1.2/10-57℃φ2 1.2 10Mpa 14Mpa 5/6 57℃/68℃ XSW-T1.5/10-57℃φ2 1.5 10Mpa 14Mpa 5/6 57℃/68℃ XSW-T1.7/10-57℃φ2 1.7 10Mpa 14Mpa 5/6 57℃/68℃ XSW-T2.0/10-57℃φ2 2 10Mpa 14Mpa 5/6 57 ℃ / 68 ℃ xsw-T.Sw-T.S-5 / 10-57 ℃ φ2 2.0 8.0/10-57 ℃ φ ...
- Tha an t-uisge a tha a 'fighe àrd-smachd dùinte, a' seulachadh planger, sprinkler bulb, sprinkler bulb, sprinkler corrac agus pàirtean eile. The sprinkler is an important component of the high-pressure water mist sprinkler system. Chan urrainn dha a-mhàin an ceangal teine a fuarachadh tro bhobharan ceò beag, ocsaidean as àirde bho bhalbha uisge airson smachd a chumail air an teine agus chuir e às don teine. The water mist fire extinguishing system is a new typ...
Siorrain uisge zstm b uisge cùirtear
Meud an t-snàthainn: R₂ 1/2 -